Time is flying by! I know 2 weeks isn't really that long, but it's just that it feels like it was yesterday that we brought Carter home from the hospital. Why can't they stay little for longer? He is the sweetest little boy! We thought Lexi was a really good baby, but I think Carter is better. He hardly ever cries except when he's hungry or during a diaper change. After I feed him, I can lay him down in the crib or bouncer, and he won't make a peep until 3 hours later when it's time to eat again, whether he's asleep or not. He is starting to be awake for a little longer each day- it's nice to see his eyes! I think they are a dark blue, but I've heard all babies have blue eyes at first. He is sleeping pretty well at night. Sometimes he still wakes up every 3 hours, but has started giving me 5-6 hour stretches. Lexi has finally decided to start giving Carter some attention. She loves to hold him, give him kisses, and put his pacifier in and out. Today she even shared her dolly with him. I think she will be a great big sister if she can just learn to be careful with him. The other day we came home from the doctor and I had Carter in his car seat on the couch. She was upset about something and came over and tried to knock him off onto the floor. And after she holds him for a few seconds she tries to just push him off her. Hopefully she will learn soon!
Carter was born Wednesday, January 5th at 9:25pm. I was scheduled to be induced on the 6th at 39 weeks to try and prevent such a big baby and the damage that comes with it, but after an extremely rough cervix check at the doctors office, I went into labor early. Even though he was more than a week early, he still weighed in at 8 lbs 11 oz and 22 in. long. Here are some pictures for those who have been asking to see more..